An overview of our educational opportunities

- Seminars and classes: You want to know more about the planetary / universal healing vibrations and how to use them your own personal well-being or healing process? Learn to play a monochord or sound bed, the best uses and placement of singing bowls or gongs in combination with the ancient knowledge of these wonderful universal harmonics. These seminars can be taken for your own personal use or as a foundation for our certification program.
- Educations/Certification Programs: Do you wish to add sound therapy or massage to your toolbox of healing skills? Does the idea of healing with sound intrigue you? We offer a certification program for both the sound practitioner (sound massage for health and well-being) and the more intense program to become a sound therapist. These are intense hands on courses given in segments with time to practice what you've learned between sessions. These courses are offered at our facility in North Idaho, an incredible recreational destination with hotels and motels in all price ranges.
- Instrument Making Workshops: You will be guided through the process of building and finishing your very own Native American flute or shamanic drum. (We do the tricky parts to ensure that your instrument will be optimally playable.) Building or participating in the building of your own instrument creates a powerful connection with and an appreciation for that instrument.
- Kids Workshops: Come with your child or grandchild and help your young one build a special instrument of their very own. We have a variety of simple instruments with different difficulty levels for children to build. This is fun for adult or children aged four and older.
Are you interested in learning more but too far away from northern Idaho for convenient travel? Do you have a group of people with like interests? Heaven of Sound™ is also available for lectures, presentations and seminars for groups at other locations. Please contact us for details and prices..