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Diploma Training Programs 2025 - Sound Mediation Coach, Sound Practitioner, Sound Healing Therapist

Sound Healing Diploma Certification Training Classes at Heaven of Sound

Professional Sound Healing Certification/Diploma Training Programs: 

  • Sound Healing Vibrational Therapy

  • Sound Massage Practitioner (SPA + Wellness)

  • Sound Meditation Coach (Group Sound Baths)

Hybrid Learning Programs, in-person, hands-on modules and on-line mentored assignments

Sound Therapy Diploma Classes Sound Healing Meditation, Massage and Therapy using overtone instruments and techniques is a relatively new type of holistic treatment based on ancient knowledge. It is an exciting new field, growing and developing, with new findings every year.
Treatment with sound, including both sound bath + massage for wellness & balance and even more important the deeper, more intense sound healing therapy to therapeutically address any health issue, is a fast growing profession in holistic health care in the U.S..

    • Heaven of Sound™ offers new 3 different professional certification programs for the sound meditation or sound bath coach, the sound massage practitioner and the sound healing therapist at our Sound Healing Academy in North Idaho. These 3  professional education programs are designed to accommodate both, those seeking sound healing as a profession and those holistic professional who wish to add this modality to their skill set. We offer all education programs either as full and complete training including the prerequisite introductory class or as upgrade education training for all students having already taken the introduction course.

      Sound Therapy is a very important part of the whole category Music Therapy. In the past, to receive certification for sound treatment, the serious seeker had to chose between either the collegiate, lengthy and very expensive music therapy education program or weekend seminars for sound treatment that just did not provide enough information and depth to give a complete working education.
      Heaven of Sound™ recognized the need for something in between and designed these 2 professional certification programs to be complete and affordable for the professional sound therapist or sound practitioner. Our certification classes are held small enough to guarantee that every student receives maximal personal instruction and guidance.

      The sound meditation coach, the sound healing practitioner and the sound therapist will master the use of planetary singing bowls and the revolutionary new European sound healing system of planetary or universal harmonics.

    • The shortest education program for a certified sound mediation coach enables and certifies you to perform powerful sound healing meditations, also commonly known as sound baths, in a group setting. This educational program is designed to securely and professionally bring wellness, balance, harmony and energy to your group participants in a protected space and in a guided way, and also to identify when people go into an unexpected, maybe even unwanted, resonance or a strong transformation process and may need to consult a Sound Healing Practitioner or even a Sound Healing Therapist for individual sound healing treatments.

    • The 2nd and longer education training for a certified sound massage practitioner is designed for sound healer who want to learn and to master the use of planetary singing bowls and the new sound healing system of planetary healing harmonics to provide to clients in a sound massage session:
        • Balance and alignment
        • Stress reduction, tension release
        • Deep relaxation and time out
        • Vitalization, strengthening
        • Regeneration, empowerment
        • Wellness, harmonization
      You learn how to select the appropriate healing frequencies to accomplish the goal of the sound vibration massage, to bring back and stabilize a client who has unexpectedly begun a process during a wellness massage and to identify when a client would benefit from deeper therapeutic sound healing work.

    • In the most intense and longest 3rd education program of a certified sound healing therapist you will add to this knowledge the skill set to:
        • Accompany clients on a healing way in a therapeutic setting
        • Activate specific self-healing processes
        • Identify root causes underlying client’s health issue
        • Discover the best possible healing path for a client to travel
        • Choose appropriate healing harmonics for the optimal healing process
        • Provide /perform complete sound healing treatments throughout the healing process of client
        • Identify possible contra indication factors
        • Finalize or “round up” a healing step
        • Keep accurate records to track and monitor the client’s progress

      Some health issues which have responded well to sound therapy:
        • Aches and pains
        • Instability, anxiety, fear
        • Stress, burn-out
        • Exhaustion, Fatigue
        • Insomnia and other sleep disorders
        • Aggression
        • Loss, grief, shock, trauma
      • Rheumatism, arthritis, RA, gout
        • Cancer


    • Why join our Sound Healing Diploma Level Certification Classes?

      • Learn your crucial steps in sound healing in-person in the safe environment of our Sound Healing Academy, and practice hands-on with student colleagues under the direct personal supervision of our professional instructor.
      • Small group sizes guarantee each students individual needs and final success.
      • Gain profound in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in sound wellness massage (practitioner level) or sound healing therapy (therapist level) in our core modules and in-class sessions with cutting-edge class materials.
      • Practice and deepen your proficiency at home with a series of student assignments and case studies.
      • Get personalized support, mentoring and supervision from our instructor while working at home and completing your assignments.
      • Start building a client group during your training, which can form the base for your promising new career.
      • Become certified to offer sound healing and sound bath sessions professionally after completing the student assignments and final graduation exams.
      • To enroll in our diploma level certification training classes, no prior musical training nor experience in therapy or medicine is required!

    • Why take Heaven of Sound’s Certification Training Program with a hybrid blend of in-person, in-class, and hands-on modules besides a series of assignments and case studies at your own place instead of taking a exclusive on-line training, all at my home and allowing me to squeeze it in whenever I have time?

      Here are the answers:

      1. You Only will gain Your profession by Complete Commitment and Practical Experience including making Mistakes in a SAFE Class Environment & with DIRECT hands-on Support of our instructor!
      2. You will find that many, and a fast growing number of your future clients will be seeking your help because of their isolation and loneliness – caused by experiencing the modern life more and more second hand, through electronic devices. Our hands-on in-person courses break that barrier and prepare you to work directly, competently and compassionately with your future clients.
      3. Last but not least: Honestly and hands-on your heart, ask yourself: Would you have a surgery done by a doctor who tells you that he/she has learned the procedure in an on-line training class?
        When Your answer is “Absolutely NO”, then you also have your answer to the initial question above.

Educational Training Program Set-Up:

  • Our education programs are offered as HYBRID or Blended Training:
  • hands-on and in person core modules for the Sound Therapist / Sound Practitioner (core #1 with introduction, core #2, core #3/graduation, called class hours), respectively 2 modules for the Sound Meditation Coach will be held at our Sound Healing Academy in North Idaho to teach the important techniques in our safe school environment and to directly and interactively supervise the new learned practical steps.
  • The student exercises, assignments and case studies (called lab hours) will be performed at home and will be remotely mentored and supervised remotely via email and on-line video meetings (Zoom, etc).

★ Professional Sound Healing  Certification Training Programs 2025: Enroll NOW 

Dates Education Program Tuition
Dates upon request
Complete Diploma Certification Program 2025 Sound Meditation Coach


Mar 21-29
Jun 23-28
Sep 24-28
Complete Diploma Certification Program 2025 Sound Wellness Massage Practitioner


Mar 21-30
Jun 22-29
Sep 24-28
Complete Diploma Certification Program 2025 Sound Healing Therapist


Payment plans on the regular tuition are available! Please contact us.
All fees must be paid in full before start of training.