Heaven of Sound is dedicated to making the ancient Eastern knowledge of healing with sound available to the Western world.
We certify all of our sound instruments with respect to their Universal Harmonics or Planetary Healing Vibrations and their corresponding healing effects using Hans Cousto's system as defined in his book "The Cosmic Octave" plus New Healing Vibrations later defined using his methods.
You may use the top main or the left side menu "Healing Tones" to find a singing bowl or gong with one out of more than 24 Planetary Healing Vibrations and a corresponding Healing Effect for Your purpose. Alternatively you can contact us if you need help finding just the right healing vibration, singing bowl, gong or other sound instrument.
If this is all a mystery to you or you are interested in learning more about these powerful Planetary Healing Vibrations, how about signing up for one of our Personal Classes or Professional Diploma/Certification Training Programs. Our new schedule for classes and training programs is out! Please feel free to contact us for details.
Please carefully read our medical disclaimer!
$ 311.00 $ 350.00
Healing Frequencies Audio Sample Recommended Accessories A neat small etched and engraved singing bowl tuned to the Sacral Chakra vibration. A plain dark bronze inside might fool you, the outside is etched and engraved with the 8 auspicious symbols and a double dorjee on the bottom! Etched and then hand carved, this is a beautiful singing bowl to add to your collection - or to start it off! The sound is somewhat high and clear, whether you stirke it or rub it. AND it is a carefully measured Heaven of Sound certified instrument, too! -Diameter: 19cm (7-1/2 inch), Height: 19 cm... View full product details
$ 253.00 $ 282.00
Healing Frequencies Audio Sample Recommended Accessories A complete gift package = Christmas joy. When you order this singing bowl package, you get this beautiful bowl, a medium felt stick to play it with, and a lovely embroidered pad to place it on (our choice of pad color). It all comes in a distinguished black box, complete with red ribbon, ready to place under the Christmas tree and for the happy recipient to play right out of the box on Christmas morning! A special engraved small size Tibetan singing bowl with a sweet tone.These dainty beauties are especially suited for... View full product details
$ 120.00
Heaven of Sound is specialized in making exquisite healing tubular bells/chimes, which are precisely tuned to the powerful ancient Chakra & Solfeggio healing vibrations (according to the correct Chakra notes based on H. Cousto's frequencies and his revolutionary cosmic octave, respectively to the Benedict monk Guido d'Arezzo)! Each tubular bell/chime comes with a wooden handled rope hanger to comfortably hold the chime in your hand. We build the tubular bells from highest quality lead free brass and we precisely tune them. The chimes are 1" in diameter and the length will vary depending on the tuning between approximately 15 and 23 inch. Each chime will... View full product details