Certified Sound Healing Therapist - Complete Professional Education Program 2025


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  • Certified Sound Healing Therapist - Complete Professional Education Program 2025 

    Get a professional in-person & hands-on training in this revolutionary NEW Sound Healing Certification from Europe, incl. in-depth therapeutic methods!

    Tuition: $5,600.00

    Core Module #1 w/Intro: Mar 21- 30, 2025 (10 days); Fri - Sun a week later, 9am - 7pm
    Core Module #2:  Jun 22 - 29, 2025 (8 days);  Sun - Sun a week later, 9am - 7pm
    Core #3 + Graduation: Sep 24 - 28, 2025 (5 days); Wed - Sun, 9am - 7pm
    Total:  380+ hours (230 class hours in-person & 150+ lab hours at home)
    Assignments: 150+ hours between Core Module #1, #2 & #3/Graduation
    Location:         Heaven of Sound Academy, Sagle, Idaho, USA
    Registration Deadline:  Mar 8, 2025

    HYBRID Program Setup:
    The Sound Healing Therapist Training is set up as a hands-on and in-person 3 core module program at our Sound Healing Academy plus a series of on-line mentored and supervised student assignments, exercises and case studies at your home. The complete education program stretches over a 6-7 months time period.
  • This educational program is designed to certify the professional sound worker or sound healer. The longer certification program for the Professional Sound Healing Therapist prepares you to perform sound healing massage in individual (or groups) sessions as well as sound healing meditations (mostly in group settings) to safely and professionally bring wellness, balance, harmony and energy to your individual clients and group participants. In addition to these skills you as Sound Healing Therapist can safely accompany clients on their path to healing through sound by addressing specif, even medical issues of a client in a therapeutic setting by using therapeutic methods and techniques.

    As certified sound healing therapist you will master the use of planetary singing bowls and the new sound healing system of planetary or universal harmonics to provide to clients in a sound massage session:
      • Balance and alignment
      • Stress reduction, tension release
      • Deep relaxation and time out
      • Vitalization, strengthening
      • Regeneration, empowerment
      • Wellness, harmonization
    You learn how to select the appropriate healing frequencies to accomplish the goal of the sound vibration massage, to bring back and stabilize a client who has unexpectedly begun a process during a wellness massage and to identify when a client would benefit from deeper therapeutic sound healing work you as sound therapist can offer as well.

    As certified sound healing therapist you will also learn to:
      • Accompany clients on a healing way in a therapeutic setting
      • Using psycho-analytic and sound/music therapeutic methods and techniques
      • Activate specific self-healing processes in a client
      • Identify root causes underlying client’s health issue
      • Discover the best possible healing path for a client to heal
      • Choose appropriate healing frequencies for the optimal healing process
      • Provide /perform complete sound healing treatments throughout the healing process of client
      • Identify possible contra indication factors
      • Finalize or “round up” a healing step
      • Keep accurate records to track and monitor the client’s progress

    Some health issues which have responded well to sound therapy:
      • Aches and pains
      • Instability, anxiety, fear
      • Stress, burn-out
      • Exhaustion, Fatigue
      • Insomnia and other sleep disorders
      • Aggression
      • Loss, grief, shock, trauma
      • Rheumatism, arthritis, RA, gout
      • Cancer, auto-immune diseases and COVID

    The full program includes a total of 380+ hours. The prerequisite introduction course is included in this complete training, ideal for students traveling from further away!

    Our Sound Healing Therapist professional education program focuses on hands-on and in-person experience and practical learning in our supervised and safe environment to guarantee that you have the best possible experience and preparation before becoming certified in the discipline.

    The Sound Healing Therapist Training is set up as a hands-on and in-person 3 core module program, held at our Sound Healing Academy in North Idaho plus a series of on-line mentored and supervised student assignments, exercises and case studies at your home in between stretching over a 6-7 months time period.
    It starts with an 10-day long block course in which a three day introduction class and the first 7-day long core module #1 are combined. The program continues with second 8-day long workshop #2. Both core modules include meditation, hands-on practice and sessions, theory lessons, instructions and education literature. The training ends with a third final core module #3 and the graduation (5 full days) with a review, an oral and a practical exam, further studies and teachings, final instructions, summation and conclusion.
    These 3 modules take place at Heaven of Sound's Sound Healing Academy in Sagle, ID, near lake Pend Oreille. Coffee, tea and light snacks for morning and afternoon breaks are provided.
    In addition there are several series of mandatory supervised homework, exercises and case studies to be performed at your own place between each core module and the final graduation plus a few intra-student assignments which are guided and monitored.

    You will use and need your own special certified planetary singing bowl set of 15 singing bowls while participating in the education training and for your practical homework, the exercises and intra-student assignments. These 15 singing bowls, the tools of your trade,  are to be purchased during the class or prior to it at special discounted student prices! For details please see tab "Terms + Conditions, Payments, Discounts".

    Note: For a registration to this complete professional education program no prior classes are required as the prerequisite introduction course is included in this training!

  • INTRODUCTION (3 days)
    (A) An Introduction to Sound Healing:
    - Nada Brahma, perception, senses, resonance, harmonics, overtones
    (B) Introduction to the revolutionary new European system of Planetary healing vibrations:
    - the Original 14 planetary harmonics of Cousto
    - Hands-on introduction to the first 4-5 planetary healing vibrations in meditations and exercises
    (C) Introduction to Singing Bowls
    - History, making process, different types of singing bowls (Tibetan, machine-made etc.)
    - First steps into the revolutionary new gentle strike playing technique for singing bowls

    CORE MODULE #1 (7 days)
    (A) Advancing discoveries in Sound Healing:
    - Fundamentals - overtones - binaural beats, special harmonies& their healing effects
    - Sound Healing System of the 15 fundamental Planetary & 7 Chakra Healing Frequencies
    (B) First Basic Module of Sound Healing Massage:
    - Revolutionary new gentle strike technique for singing bowls
    - Directions of sound and corresponding effects
    - Advanced singing bowl handling techniques
    (C) Common Rules, Requirements & Differentiation:
    - Setting & Preparation
    - Sound Massage versus Sound Therapy
    - Goal, Intake, Exit
    (D) First Set of 7 Fundamental Planetary Healing Frequencies
    - Hands on practice & partner exercises
    - Theory lessons, background & Origin
    - Effects of each healing frequency on body, soul and mind
    - Possible side-effects and cautions
    (E) First Basic Module of Sound Healing Therapy:
    - Contact & attunement
    - Intake and forms
    - Define therapy goals & set up therapy road-map
    - Therapeutic interview techniques part 1
    - Diagnostic steps, indications part 1
    - Measures + exploration
    - Observations and interventions part 1
    - Exit interview & feedback part 1
    - Sound therapy protocol part 1
    (F) Second Advanced Module of Sound Healing Massage:
    - Selection of sound healing frequencies
    - Sound quality and flow of sound
    - Rhythm and speed, dynamic and volume
    - Observation techniques - part 1
    (G) Basic Sound Massage Exercises
    - for balancing & harmonizing
    - for vision and inner journey
    - for Yin & Yang, emotion/intellect, 7 chakras
    (H) Homework, Exercises, Intra-student Assignments + Outlook
    - Guidelines, information and protocols for homework & exercises
    - Guidelines, information and protocols for intra-student assignments
    - Outlook on Core Module #2 and optional add-on classes

    CORE MODULE #2 (8 days)
    (A) Third Master Module of Sound Healing Massage:
    - Observation techniques - part 2
    - Client & practitioner positions
    - Master techniques and choice of specific harmonics and musical intervals to relax, to ease/release blocks, to deal with imbalances, to stabilize and to energize a client
    - Handling strategies to deal with unforeseen or unexpected reactions
    (B) Final Set of 8 additional Fundamental Planetary Healing Frequencies
    - Hands on practice & partner exercises
    - Theory lessons, background & Origin
    - Effects of each healing frequency on body, soul and mind
    - Possible side-effects and cautions
    (C) Second Advanced Module of Sound Healing Therapy:
    - Indications part 2
    - Therapeutic exit interview part 2
    - Sound therapy protocol part 2
    (D) Third Master Module of Sound Healing Therapy (Psychoanalytic modalities) :
    - Therapist - Client Relationship: Projections
    Therapist - Client Relationship: Transfers
    - Therapist - Client Relationship: Contra / Back transfer
    - Channels of contact
    - Special therapeutic methods: Nourishing, holding, containing etc.
    (G) Advanced Sound Massage Exercises
    - for personal growth
    - for redemption
    - with full singing bowl healing set (14-15)
    (H) Hands-on practice of advanced sound massages and sound therapies
    - Larger bowl sound massage under supervision
    - Complete supervised in-depth sound therapy session
    (I) Homework, Exercises, Intra-student Assignments + Outlook
    - Guidelines, information and protocols for homework & exercises
    - Guidelines, information and protocols for intra-student assignments
    - Outlook on Graduation weekend and optional add-on classes

    GRADUATION (5 days)
    (A) Sound Healing through the Chakras
    - Understanding of the 7 chakras
    - Learn how to balance the chakras with sound
    (B) Sound Healing through the Aura Layers
    - Understanding of the 7 aura layers
    - Learn how to balance and clean the aura layers
    (C) Guided group sound meditation, bath, immersion
    - Benefits of sound meditation versus meditation
    - Goals and limits of a group sound meditation
    - Techniques for a successful and safe sound bath
    (D) Graduation - Oral Exam
    - Review of the sound healing practices and principles of the program
    - Oral exam of the basic rules and techniques
    - Oral exam of fundamental therapeutic techniques
    - Reflection of choices for healing frequencies for given therapy goals
    (E) Graduation - Practical Exam
    - A full healing singing bowl set sound massage session with protocol
    - Reflection of the sound massage session and suggestions
    - A complete singing bowl sound healing therapy session with protocol
    - Reflection of the therapy session and suggestions
    (F) New Practices: Other Sound Healing Instruments & Colors for Sound Massage & Sound Therapy
    - Brief hands-on introduction to other sound healing instruments
    - Short introduction to the model of the 5 sound instrument archetypes
    - Combining Sound with Color
    (G) Tips for Your Practice Start-up and Wrap-up
    (H) CERTIFICATE - Upon successful completion of the educational program students will receive their certificates
    (I) Introduction to Astrology and Planetary Frequencies
    - Zodiac signs and frequencies
    - Elements and frequencies    
    (J) Outlook on future advanced classes and workshops

  • For purchase of your own healing singing bowl set of 15 certified planetary singing bowls, the tools of your trade, we offer a special student discount program! You can either buy Your singing bowls prior to the education or during this education program. Please contact us for further details.

    Payment plans are available! Please contact us. All fees must be paid in full before start of class.

    Please carefully read our Education Terms & Conditions !
    After the purchase of this certification program, we will send you a confirmation of your registration, the education agreement with the Education Terms & Conditions and a short intake questionnaire!

  • Heaven of Sound will offer 2 optional add-on advanced classes for every participant of the educational program, wherein you can explore either more new and special sound healing vibrations suited for sound healing therapies, massages & meditations or learn in depth about other sound healing instruments well fitting for sound baths, massage and therapy sessions as for example temple gongs, tubular bells or monochords and sound vibrational beds. The curriculum will be tailored to the needs of the students. These 2 optional add-on advanced classes are scheduled Sep 21 - 23 and Sep 29 - Oct 1, 2025 and they can conveniently be combined with the 5-day long last core module #3 & graduation.

Chart Recommended Accessories
Accessories to play your Tibetan singing bowl or Burma gong (s=strike, r=rub):
giant blue
XS / S
M / L
50-400g --- --- --- --- --- s & r --- ---
400-800g s --- --- --- --- r r ---
800-1200g --- --- --- s --- --- r ---
1000-2400g --- --- s --- --- --- r r
2000-3000g --- s --- --- --- --- --- r
> 3000g --- --- --- --- s --- --- ---


Accessories to place your Tibetan singing bowls:
Bowl diameter Embroidered pad Silk pad Ring cushion Felt cushion Silk cushion square Silk cushion round
< 12cm 11cm --- --- 12cm 12x12cm ---
12-20cm 17cm 16cm 14cm 15cm 15x15cm ---
20-23cm 17cm 16cm 16cm 20cm 18x18cm ---
23-28cm 22cm --- 20cm 20cm 22x22cm ---
28-33cm 22/30cm --- 30cm 25cm 22x22/27x27cm ---
33-41cm 30cm --- 30cm 30cm 27x27cm ---
> 41cm 40cm --- 40cm 40cm --- ---


Accessory to hang a Burma gong: Accessory for cleaning + preserving a bowl/gong:
Gong diameter <= 55cm
<= 22inch

Cleaning & Preservation Oil
30ml / 1 fl oz

Gong stand size M L XL