All of these special engraved singing bowls are beautifully engraved and etched- Plus all the bowls are certified to planetary healing vibrations !
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Wonderful dark Mandala Singing Bowl, outside with etched relief, inside golden etched and engraved with the Tara (female Buddha). This beautiful crafted singing bowl resonates on 2 healing fundamental frequencies of our Moon: Moon Saros period: Transformation, Let go, New orientation Moon Nodes: Good for allergies, lungs, ears, socializing & community Diameter: 28.5 cm (11 inch), Height: 12 cm (4.5 inch); Weight: 2100 g (4.63 lbs) #0400 Audio file of this singing bowl: We would recommend for this product the following accessories: normal mallet: hardness=soft ring cushion: size=20cm embroidered pad: size=22cm brocaded silk square cushion: size=27x27cm felt cushion: size=25cm View full product details
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A very special etched and engraved singing bowl featuring the right turning conch in deep relief in the center. The ornamentation covers both the inside and the outside of this outstanding bowl. The tone is also exceptional - this just a great bowl all the way around. This beautiful singing bowl resonates on the fundamental healing frequency of Eros. Eros - Happy relaxation, Yin & Yang, tantra, erotic Hydrogen Gamma - Physical regeneration, exhaustion Diameter: 22 cm (8-5/8 inch), Height: 10 cm (4 inch); Weight: 1270 g (2.8 lbs); #1408 Audio file of this singing bowl: We would recommend for this product the... View full product details
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Healing Frequencies Audio Sample Recommended Accessories A special engraved small size Tibetan singing bowl with a sweet tone. These dainty beauties are especially suited for children and the elderly, both of whom are very responsive to the sweet high tones that these lovely smaller size singing bowls make. In spite of their small size, these bowls are genuine hand hammered singing bowls with all of the complexity of tone that their larger relatives have. Because they proudly bear the Heaven of Sound logo, you know that you are getting a tested and certified planetary singing bowl. This little gem resonates with two healing fundamental frequencies: Biorhythm... View full product details
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Healing Frequencies Audio Sample Recommended Accessories This bowl from our limited "Native American Spirit" singing bowl series is world-wide one of a kind and only available at Heaven of Sound. Two old traditions, the Tibetan and the Native American, have been merged into stunning and absolutely unique dark etched and specially engraved Tibetan singing bowls - and all certified to healing planetary harmonics! Enchanting tone, a tasty double binaural beat and a shimmery overtone combine to form a mystical sound that will gently grab your attention. This singing bowl is as good to listen to as it is... View full product details
Sold Out $ 2,102.50
Healing Frequencies Audio Sample Recommended Accessories This Big size singing bowl, with a weight of 12lbs, ranges between our large size and giant size category. This special etched and engraved bowl is a subtle work of art, displaying touch of a highly skilled artisan. The quality of the etching and the engraving is incredible in this bowl. Seated serenely in the center, is a Buddha figure with the 7 chakras, surrounded by the "OM Mane Padme Hum" mantra. The upper inside rim is decorated with the 7 individual Chakra symbols for the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, forehead... View full product details
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An outstanding example of the master engraver's skill, this giant bowl bears the Buddhapada - the print of Buddha's feet, with the wheel and the three jewels, in the center. Inside and out this amazing bowl is etched and engraved with exacting detail. The Ashtamangala - the eight auspicious symbols - adorn the inside rim of the bowl and they appear again on the outside rim with two additional symbols. Everywhere you look is something beautiful. Place your feet in these prints and resonate with the healing frequencies of this powerful bowl. You can stand in this bowl if you have smaller... View full product details
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Wonderful dark Singing Bowl, outside with etched relief, inside golden etched and intricately engraved with a seated Buddha. The bottom of this very special bowl is etched with the Wheel. This painstakingly crafted singing bowl resonates on 2 healing fundamental frequencies: Biorhythm Emotional - Creativity, sensitivity, sensual perception, peaceful mind Moon Metonic - Flu and cold remedy, inner truth Diameter: 27 cm (10-5/8 inch), Height: 12.5 cm (5 inch); Weight: 1842 g (4.06 lbs); #0455 Audio file of this singing bowl: We would recommend for this product the following accessories: normal mallet: hardness=soft ring cushion: size=20cm embroidered pad: size=22cm square cushion: size=22cm felt cushion:... View full product details
$ 451.50 $ 490.50
Healing Frequencies Audio Sample Recommended Accessories Our limited "Native American Spirit" singing bowl series is world-wide one of a kind and only available at Heaven of Sound. The owl, symbolic of the ancient Greek goddess Athena, has become the symbol of higher wisdom and prophesies. As a personal spirit animal the owl is representative of a deep connection with wisdom and intuitive knowledge unseen by others. Two old traditions, the Tibetan and the Native American, have been merged into stunning and absolutely unique dark etched, special engraved Tibetan singing bowls - all certified to healing planetary frequencies or harmonics!... View full product details
$ 209.50 $ 225.00
Healing Frequencies Audio Sample Recommended Accessories A complete gift package for someone special. When you order this singing bowl package, you will receive this beautiful bowl, a medium felt stick to play it with, and a lovely embroidered pad to place it on (our choice of pad color). It all comes in a distinguished black box, complete with red ribbon, ready to place under the Christmas tree and for the happy recipient to play right out of the box on Christmas morning! This is a small and very elegant hand hammered singing bowl, etched with the OM mantra... View full product details
$ 2,259.99 $ 2,455.50
Healing Frequencies Audio Sample Recommended Accessories This baby giant singing bowl, with a weight of 14 lbs, is right at the lower end of our giant size category. This special etched and engraved bowl is a subtle work of art, displaying touch of a highly skilled artisan. The quality of the etching and the engraving is intricate and detailed. Place your own feet in the Buddha's footprints while you play this amazing work of art. (yes, all but the largest feet will fit nicely in this singing bowl) Here are the prints of Buddha's feet, the buddhapada, in... View full product details
$ 225.50 $ 243.00
Healing Frequencies Audio Sample Recommended Accessories A complete gift package = Christmas joy. When you order this singing bowl package, you get this beautiful bowl, a medium felt stick to play it with, and a lovely embroidered pad to place it on (our choice of pad color). It all comes in a distinguished black box, complete with red ribbon, ready to place under the Christmas tree and for the happy recipient to play right out of the box on Christmas morning! A special engraved small size Tibetan singing bowl with a sweet tone.These dainty beauties are especially suited for... View full product details
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Healing Frequencies Audio Sample Recommended Accessories This bowl from our limited "Native American Spirit" singing bowl series is world-wide one of a kind and only available at Heaven of Sound. The Spirit of the BEAR symbolizes courage, physical strength, motherhood and teaching. Two old traditions, the Tibetan and the Native American, have been merged into stunning and absolutely unique dark etched and special engraved Tibetan singing bowls - and all certified to healing planetary frequencies! This singing bowl is carefully selected, accurately tested and comes with a certificate of its planetary healing frequencies to guide you how to use this sound healing... View full product details
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Healing Frequencies Audio Sample Recommended Accessories Our limited "Native American Spirit" singing bowl series is world-wide one of a kind and only available at Heaven of Sound. Two old traditions, the Tibetan and the Native American, have been merged into stunning and absolutely unique dark etched and specially engraved Tibetan singing bowls - and all certified to healing planetary harmonics! Enchanting tone, a tasty double binaural beat and a shimmery overtone combine to form a mystical sound that will gently grab your attention. This singing bowl is as good to listen to as it is to look at.... View full product details